48 thoughts on “How to Join

  1. Anonymous says:

    Just finished reading Billy Miller last week and was planning to read it to my students. Was so excited to learn I can join others around the world to do it. What a great opportunity for my students!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Looking forward to this years global read aloud! I participated in it last year with a co-taught class. This year I will be reading “Fish in a Tree” with a resource group! I think they are going to love it!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Excited to open classrooms to the world. Those of you who have participated before, what have you found to be the “best” form of communication?

  4. Thomas Leis says:

    I have 5 different sections of students (grades 3-6) that I would like to involve in this opportunity. I am also new to this program. please advise.

  5. Kayla says:

    So excited to do this! We just set up KidBlog this afternoon. “Fish in a Tree” sounds like it will really resonant with my students! 🙂

  6. kathy bole says:

    Just finished Fish in a Tree and am so excited to get into it with my 4th graders! Did Global Read Aloud with The One and Only Ivan and had a spectacular experience.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Totally new to this…can someone help me figure out how to connect and see a schedule of reading the book? Doing the Life of Billy Milled with 3rd grade.

  8. Jessica Warren says:

    Hi! Is sign up still available? I just came across this and LOVE it! I am currently reading “Wonder” with my 3rd graders, but I think reading a great book AND connecting to others around the world is a FANTASTIC idea and will really get the kids excited about reading and sharing! Please let me know if I am able to still sign up to see the reading schedule and how I can connect/respond via Twitter! Thank you! 🙂

    • Pernille Ripp says:

      The problem with signing up now is that it is halfway through, so if you feel you can catch up three weeks in then you certainly can , just leave a reply on here or shoot me an email.

      • Jessica W says:

        Is there anyway to sign up for the next book so I don’t have to catch up with the current one being read? From what I am understanding, a new book is selected every 6 weeks or so that the classes read and then discuss. Please let me know if I am mistaken and if not, if I can sign up for the next book. Thanks!

  9. Jessica W says:

    Oh, I understand. I love the program! I’ll have to sign up next year for it and I might just choose some of the books to read aloud throughout this year just to read them. It would be amazing if it was a continual program throughout the year! Thank you for all of your quick replies! I appreciate it.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I just heard about it today and would have loved to be a part. I guess I will have to wait until next year.

    • Jessica says:

      Hi! What grade do you teach? Maybe we can plan on reading a book at the same time and connect our classes if we both teach the same grade.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I’m bummed that I did not know about this until too late. I will be signing up next year for sure!

  12. Ro says:

    There’s no way to sign up? We are in the process of reading the Amy Krouse Rosenthal Books and are also Skyping with some schools next week.

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