Connections Wanted Form #GRA15

While you can post to Our Edmodo Groups or Facebook in order to find a connection, you can also fill out this form.  The results of the form for you to browse to find a connection, can be viewed here 

So steps to use this are as follows:

  1. Fill out the form for others to find you to connect with.
  2. Click on the link to see other people’s information (note: this is un-editable so that the information stays intact).
  3. Reach out to those you would like to connect with.
  4. Once you have a connection, you can shoot me an email (p at globalreadaloud dot com) if you would like to have your info removed from the document.

15 thoughts on “Connections Wanted Form #GRA15

  1. Cyr, Keri says:

    Hi Pernille, I went ahead and filled out one of your “Connection” Google Doc forms but where it said how would you like to be contacted I actually wrote “email” instead of writing what my actual email is…LOL. Is it possible to go in and re-adjust? Thank you. Keri Cyr

    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi Pernille. Like the person above, I did the same thing. Oops! However, I went in again and the second time put in my actual email address.
    Kathy Kotnik

  3. Karen DiBella says:

    Hi Pernille…I sent two forms because I have two classes reading two different books. On the first form, under name I put University of TN Martin rather than my name…how can I change this? Contact: Karen DiBella

  4. Candice says:

    Hi Pernille – looking forward to finding connections this year!

    When you have a chance can you please add my class Twitter @MsH_Classroom to my class information? I updated on Sept 14 from Craigieburn (Melbourne). That’s what I get trying to do 3 things at once!

    With Thanks,
    Candice Huntly

  5. Jill Thomas says:

    I completed the form and after looking at the breakdown of responses and see some people have older students listed, but how do I locate the information that links the names with student range and contact info to know who has those older student groups so I can contact them?

  6. Monica Watler says:

    We are a grade 5 class in Grand Cayman. We missed the boat for the 2015 GRA but are reading Fish In A Tree now and wonder if it is too late to connect with another class.

    I am signing up for the 2016 GRA right now!

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